The City of Zephyrhills is hosting a Community Cleanup Saturday April 9 from 8 a.m. to Noon.
Residents are invited to bring non-hazardous trash to the city-supplied dumpsters at the Zephyrhills City Hall Parking Lot, 5335 8th Street.
The residential community clean-up target area is Gall Blvd to 12th St.; and 12th Ave. to 5th Ave., in Zephyrhills.
The general idea of this neighborhood clean-up program is to help alleviate various Code Enforcement issues in certain areas, and the City at-large. This clean-up program is an investment the City makes i
n beautifying the community, as Zephyrhills Public Works will handle tipping fees from the event.
City work crews will also be collecting debris and unwanted items in the alleys of designated areas, such as disposed tires, televisions and washing machines, etc.
For additional information and questions, please call Zephyrhills Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Director Gail Hamilton, at 813-780-0202.