Santa Claus came to town Saturday night as the finale of the return of the Zephyrhills Festival of Lights Parade.
In one of the most well-attended holiday parades in the city, Festival of Light featured more than 50 entries marching in front of thousands of people who lined Fifth Avenue.
“I am blown away by the talent of the parade participants,” said Faith Wilson, Director of Main Street Zephyrhills. “They were so creative. I can’t image what the judges are goin through right now.”
The judges made their tough decisions. Best in Show: Renewed Life, Best Theme: Academy of Spectrum Diversity, Most Original: Corazal, Best Costume: Helen’s Baton and Dance, Best Walking Unit: Zephyrhills High School Marching Band, Best Automobile: Chuck Ropolo, Best Business: Wee Care, Best Club: Moose Lodge and Best Organization: Crossroads Church.