Dec. 24 – MEGA Pantry Pasco CountyGrocery Pickup | New Location – Ifyou are in need of food, stop by Pasco-Hernando State College, 36727 BlantonRoad in Dade City from 3:30-5:30 receive some free groceries. No ID,paperwork or screening is required andall are welcome. The pantry operatesrain or shine every Thursday as longas it is safe to distribute. There will besigns directing you once you enter thepark and volunteers will load the fooddirectly into your vehicle, practicingsocial distancing guidelines. Makea Dierence needs volunteers eachThursday at 3 p.m. Call (352) 437-3466 or email to sign up to volunteer.
Jan. 9 – Raising Cane, A Sweet &Spicy Event – Learn about sugar canesyrup making and enjoy some tasty chilifrom the Chili Cook-O while strollingby unique vendors and enjoying livemusic, food, beer and wine from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Pioneer Florida Museum& Village, 15602 Pioneer MuseumRoad in Dade City. Applications arebeing accepted for vendors and chilicompetitors. Admission is $5 andchildren under 5 are admitted free.Visit forinformation or vendor registration.
Jan. 28 – Spotlight on Talent EntryDeadline – Entry applications are beingaccepted for the 38th Annual HeritageArts Center Association Spotlight onTalent for children and youth throughhigh school seniors until 5 p.m. for thisperforming arts competition throughJan. 28. Over $4,000 in cash prizes andtrophies will be given away, includinga $1,000 scholarship awarded to agraduating Pasco County senior. Thepreliminary contest will be held Feb.13, 2021 and the nal show will beheld on March 6. Visit heritagearts.orgfor applications or information.
Feb. 6 – Farm Fest & Quilt Show–Come out to the Pioneer FloridaMuseum & Village at 15602 PioneerMuseum Road in Dade City from 10a.m.-5 p.m. for a fun-lled day ofdraft horse pulls, a quilt show, syrupmaking, entertainment, vendors, foodand more. Admission is $10 per person.Vendor applications are being accepted.Visit forinformation or vendor registration.
Feb. 26 & 27 – Pigz in Z’Hills BBQ& Blues Fest POSTPONED! –TheZephyrhills Chamber of Commerce isrethinking the structure of the 11thannual Pigz in Z’Hills BBQ & BluesFest at 5200 Airport Road due toextended COVID-19 precautions. Call(813) 782-1913 for information or or for updates. To submit an event, email yourinformation to – one week BEFORE the Thursday publication date. Maximum 50 words. Subject to available room and editing.