The 12-month moratorium on new development in the city was officially put in place Monday night.
City Council voted unanimously imposed the moratorium on the consideration of applications for new residential annexations, rezoning, land use modification, conditional uses, variances, and Major Planned Unit Development Amendments.
During the moratorium, the City of Zephyrhills will not accept, review, or consider applications for new residential annexations, rezoning, land use modification, conditional uses, variances, and Major Planned Unit Development Amendments.
The temporary moratorium does not apply to any property and/or project that filed an application over one acre prior to the effective date of the ordinance.
The City of Zephyrhills experienced substantial growth in a short time causing the addition of new residential annexations, land use modifications, rezonings, Major Planned Unit Development Amendments, conditional uses, and variances for property over one acre resulting in significant increased demand for City provided potable water.
The city applied for an expansion of its Water Use Permit and that application is under review by SWFWMD. The temporary moratorium imposed by this ordinance is to allow the cit the time reasonably necessary to obtain the proper and necessary increases to the City’s Water Use Permit.